
June 2024


Quarterly Update

Summer Update: Investing in Relationships

Koret has worked in the Bay Area and broader Jewish community for 45 years, and in that time we’ve learned that our impact depends on cultivating meaningful relationships with our grantees. Our trust-based approach to grantmaking is about investing in people, ideas, and organizations, and empowering our grantees to do what they do best: serve their communities.

March 2024


Quarterly Update

Spring Update: Telling Diverse Stories

In the shadow of the ongoing tragedy in Israel and Gaza, we welcome spring as a season of hope. We are proud to work with organizations that leverage the power of storytelling in its broadest sense to bridge cultural gaps, shine light on the past, expand our perspectives, and help shape a brighter future.

December 2023


Quarterly Update

Koret Winter Update: Leaning on Community

Kehilla, Hebrew for community, is at the heart of our work. Our grantmaking has always focused on supporting and strengthening the Jewish community, at home and in Israel. In the wake of the attacks on October 7—and during the holiday season—we encourage everyone to connect with and lean on their community, and Koret could not be prouder of our kehilla.

November 2022


Quarterly Update

Koret Fall Update: Investing in civics education and in Jewish Peoplehood

An educated citizenry is key to a well-functioning democracy. Only through robust civic education can we ensure a stable, democratic future. That’s why Koret launched a $3.7 million Civic Learning Initiative to ensure that K-12 civic education across the Bay Area is engaging, robust and impactful.

July 2022


Quarterly Update

Koret Summer Update: Civics Education and Strengthening Bonds with Israel

The Koret Foundation supports organizations that test and advance new and important ideas. To that end, this spring, we launched two new major initiatives: a new $3.8 million Civic Learning Initiative to build student knowledge and support teacher training to promote democracy and combat disinformation, and a $10 million grant to establish a new global collaborative between Tel Aviv University and ANU-Museum of the Jewish People.

May 2022


Press Release

Koret Foundation’s $10 Million Grant to Establish the Koret Center for Jewish Civilization at Tel Aviv University in Partnership with ANU – Museum of the Jewish People

Koret announced a partnership with the USC Shoah Foundation’s Institute for Visual History and Education and the Hold On To Your Music Foundation to develop a global Holocaust educational curriculum. The project will combine testimony, technology, and music to enrich the field of Holocaust education for primary and secondary school-aged children around the world.

October 2021


Foundation News

Koret President Dr. Anita Friedman receives Visionary Leadership Award from Tel Aviv University

Dr. Anita Friedman will receive Tel Aviv University’s prestigious Visionary Leadership Award at their 2021 virtual gala. The gala is raising funds for three important initiatives at Tel Aviv University: student scholarships, medical research, and The Center for Combatting Pandemics.

July 2021


Quarterly Update

Koret Summer Update: Building Bridges for the Future

The Koret Foundation is committed to supporting a strong US-Israel relationship, and one way we do this is by funding research collaborations between top Israeli and US academic institutions.

April 2021


Foundation News

Celebrating Israel’s 73rd Independence Day

Happy Birthday Israel! Yom Ha’Atzmaut marks the anniversary of the establishment of the modern state of Israel. Koret is deeply committed to strengthening the US-Israel relationship and educating the broader community about the diversity of modern Jewish life in Israel, Israel as a Jewish homeland, and the importance of Israel’s contributions to the world.

October 2019


Quarterly Update

Building Bridges Between Bay Area and Israeli Jews

The Koret Foundation seeks to strengthen the US-Israel relationship through bridge-building activities, including academic collaborations, trips to Israel, leadership development, and education programs. One of the signature grants in this portfolio is to Shalem College in Israel for the Koret Jewish Peoplehood Project.

May 2019


Thoughts & Opinions

Building bridges to a better future

Jeffrey Farber, Koret’s CEO discusses the growing divide between diaspora Jews and Israel.